Exception Request Form

The university sometimes must utilize information and communications technology (ICT) that do not meet the applicable federal and state standards for accessibility. When this occurs, campus policy requires that the inaccessible technology be approved by the Technology Accessibility Review Committee TARC) prior to use on campus. The exception process ensures that the access barriers presented by the accessibility flaws in an ICT are documented and that an equally effective alternative method of access is documented and will be implemented if the exception is approved.

Note: The exception review process normally takes ten (10) business days from the time of submission to be reviewed by the TARC. More time may be required if the TARC requires more information in order to review the request or if changes to the supplied alternative access plan are needed.


In order to submit an exception request, you must have the following documents ready for upload:

  • Accessibility evaluation report
  • Alternative Access Plan

The purchasing unit is responsible for ensuring that an accessibility evaluation was performed by an accessibility analyst on campus. Normally, the product owner of the technology or the purchasing unit is responsible for creating and implementing the alternative access plan. Contact your unit's IT Accessibility Liaison (ITAL) or the ADA IT Coordinator for assistance in creating the alternative access plan.

Market Research Documentation

Per federal and state law, when no fully accessible product is available on the market, the university must procure and utilize the most accessible product that meets the business need. As part of the exception review process, the TARC may ask to review the product comparison that was performed as part of the market research for the product. As part of the exception process you will be required to indicate that the software product for which you are requesting an exception is the most accessible that meets the business need or to provide a rationale for why product comparisons were not performed.


Host Upgrades In progress

Website host upgrades are currently underway, and exception requests cannot be accepted until after the upgrades are completed. Exception requests will resume as normal on September 21, 2024. We apologize for the inconvenience.